higher mindfulness club isn’t just a 6-month program; it’s an initiative designed to strengthen the higher scene and empower more individuals go higher. In this post I pitch the idea and outline my plan and request for funding.
I’m here in Malaysia at the moment, visiting family for Chinese New Year, aka The Lunar New Year. Only a month ago, everyone around me was celebrating the turn of the New Year in the UK.
When people first find out about the weekly Beings Club Salon Meetings, they’ll often ask: ‘Are there any topics to discuss?’, ‘Do you know what you’ll talk about?’ or ‘Is there a weekly theme?’ The answer to all of these questions is No.
A big change I’ve been living through in the past year is how I respond to moments where I disappoint myself. This has occurred through an evolution of my beliefs around discipline and love.
My name is John. In the past half decade, I've been playing with what is possible when you follow your curiosity.
If Beings Club terrifies you slightly, you’re probably in the right place.
Beings Club is a curiosity social club.
We have and will always live in uncertain times...